We had a Bingham counsins reunion, April 23rd. We had such a good time getting reacquanted
(Maria Sanders, Terri Lorz, Carrie Hanis, Tyler Hanis, Michelle Ross)
(Jared Payne, Michelle Ross, Jeff Johnston, Nolan, Kash, Jaylee, and Treo Sanders, Marisa Smith, Dan Johnston, Kevin Johnston)
Kash and Nolan Sanders
Maria Sanders, Terri Ross, Tyler Hanis, Carrie Hanis, Michelle Ross, Kash Sanders
Grandfather Bingham, Julian Sanders
John Lorz, Dan Johnston, Penny Johnston, Grandfather
Dan and Penny Johnston and Grandfather
Dan and Penny Johnston
Chuck Cooley, Shad Hanis, Tami Cooley, Justin Sanders
Candy Hanis, Grandfather Bingham, Tyler Hanis, Shad Hanis
Shad, Tyler and Candy Hanis
Amber and Brooke Aird
Amber and Brooke Aird and Grandfather
Michelle and Julia
Megan Aird, Marisa Smith, Treba Jensen
Shad, Candy, Grandfather
Brock and Jennie Keddington
Janet Madsen, Sheryl Martinsen, Evelyn Kinkaid
John Perry, Linda Arnold, Teresa Richards, Nina Lewis, Evelyn Kinkaid, Janet Madsen,
Penny Johnston, Margaret Snow, Ileene Young
Front Tami Cooley, Margie Mott, Candy Hanis, Sheryl Martensen, Terri Lorz
Tab Bingham in front
Winifred Green, Delyle Richards, and Grandfather
Vernean and John Perry
Ernie and Elaine Weeks
Catherine and Graham Hopkins, Jean Hawkins, Gary and Margaret Snow